Tåno, Tåsi, yan Todu
Tåno, Tåsi, yan Todu Logo

Land, Water, & All Therein

We have a vision, a vision as powerful as it is simple: Islanders across the Marianas empowered with the passion, knowledge and resources needed to protect our land and water, soil and sea.
There is much work to do.

Current Projects

MTCC logo

Marianas Terrestrial Conservation Conference

Sharing Knowledge and Experiences in Conservation ​and Management from the CNMI and Guam

​We had our first conference and workshop in November 2017, at Guam Community College, with over 40 presenters and 250 attendees! Our second conference/workshop was combined with the annual Brown Treesnake meeting November 13-15, 2018, with over 250 attendees. Our third conference was on Saipan from November 18-20, 2019, with a similar number of attendees. Our 4th conference was conducted virtually June 8-10 and June 15-16 2021, with 321 registrants. We are happy to announce that the 5th MTCC will be held in person, Feb 21-23, 2023, at Guam Community College. Register Here.

© Tåno, Tåsi, yan Todu | tanotasitodu@gmail.com